Financial Commentary

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What’s Going on With Inflation? 3 Reasons Why It’s Here to Stay

By Jeff Gilbert Inflation headlines are the norm these days. It didn’t come as a surprise to many that after months of being told the current inflation crisis was transitory, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell announced that we can expect…

What Should You Do About Inflation and Stock Market Volatility?

After a three-year rally, the financial markets have been down for seven straight days, marking their worst slide since the pandemic decline in March of 2020. (1) Monday’s market dip put the S&P 500 down over 10%, which is officially called…
Jump-start your financial plan for 2022

Jump-Start Your Financial Plan for 2022!

By Jeff Gilbert 2021 is officially behind us. If you’re like many of us who had high hopes when we rang in 2021, only to experience another intense year of the pandemic, economic shutdown and uncertainty, and slow road back to “normal,”…

5 Important Financial Actions to Take Before the End of the Year

By Jeff Gilbert Most of us entered 2021 with hope and expectation that the pandemic would end, life would go back to normal, and we could move on from 2020. Instead, we learned that uncertainty doesn’t have an expiration date and each year…
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Do You Have Multiple Retirement Plans? How to Consolidate and Maximize Returns

By Jeff Gilbert Forward-thinking people have been saving for retirement since day one on the job. So it’s not uncommon to have multiple retirement accounts—both from previous employers and plans set up individually. Does this apply to…

What I Wish I Had Known About Money When I Was Younger

By Jeff Gilbert Wisdom comes with age. We all know this, and we’ve all experienced the learning and growing that comes from making mistakes or forging our own path. But if you had the chance to go back in time and give your younger self…

Retirement Commentary

Investment Updates

The Difference Between Investment Management and Financial Planning

The Difference Between Investment Management and Financial Planning

Wondering the difference between financial planning and investment management? Contact Balboa Wealth Partners in Newport Beach, CA, or Scottsdale, AZ, for a free consultation.

Balboa Platform


Jump-start your financial plan for 2022

Jump-Start Your Financial Plan for 2022!

By Jeff Gilbert 2021 is officially behind us. If you’re like many of us who had high hopes when we rang in 2021, only to experience another intense year of the pandemic, economic shutdown and uncertainty, and slow road back to “normal,”…

5 Important Financial Actions to Take Before the End of the Year

By Jeff Gilbert Most of us entered 2021 with hope and expectation that the pandemic would end, life would go back to normal, and we could move on from 2020. Instead, we learned that uncertainty doesn’t have an expiration date and each year…
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Do You Have Multiple Retirement Plans? How to Consolidate and Maximize Returns

By Jeff Gilbert Forward-thinking people have been saving for retirement since day one on the job. So it’s not uncommon to have multiple retirement accounts—both from previous employers and plans set up individually. Does this apply to…

What I Wish I Had Known About Money When I Was Younger

By Jeff Gilbert Wisdom comes with age. We all know this, and we’ve all experienced the learning and growing that comes from making mistakes or forging our own path. But if you had the chance to go back in time and give your younger self…
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Client Profile: How I Help My Clients Retire Early

By Jeff Gilbert At Balboa Wealth Partners, our goal is to help our clients retire and enjoy their golden years the way that they want to. Often, our clients come to us with an array of retirement goals that may seem difficult to obtain.…

How Much Does Long-Term Care Really Cost in California?

By Jeff Gilbert Have you ever cared for an aging grandparent, parent, sibling, or spouse and thought, “Who is going to take care of me when I struggle to get out of bed?” or “How much will it cost my family?” If so, you are…